Wednesday, September 3, 2014

NY Nights

Here's what I wore on my first night out in Upper Manhattan. I paired my Forever striped top with high waist shorts and a bright lip for a cas-cool look.
My suitemate happens to be amazing & have fantastic friends. 
 I really love the way that people have the freedom to be who they are here in NY. 
Hasta Pronto

Striped Crop- Forever 21(here)
High Waist Shorts- Affordable Treasures
Marlins Jersey- Sav-Mor Thrift
Combat Boots- Target
Lips- Mac's Ruby Woo lined with NYX Hot Red


  1. Toooo cuteeee!!!! Love your energy babe! Yes NYC is great sometimes you still get looks but you can be who you want regardless!!!

    Btw I was trying to add you to my g circle but I can't find the button on your page! Lol
