Sunday, August 31, 2014

About that life

The lovely Adjoa from the blog, Thy Bliss Calls, shared these questions with me. So, I thought I'd give them a go.
1. Are you named after anyone? No, but my Mom told me that she thought for sure that she was having a boy while carrying me.
2. When was the last time you cried? Of laughter: last night while watching videos of my family.
3. Do you have kids? Nan yet.
4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself? Umm yes! Another me to wash my hair with care and have weird arguments with.
5. Do you have any guilty pleasures? Pan de leche, chin chin, & football players. (lol lol jokes)
6. Will you ever bungee-jump? Yes!
7. What’s your favorite cereal? I like oatmeal, but when I do partake, I mix Honey Bunches of Oats with Total and get it poppin.
8. What’s the first thing you notice about people? Their voice and facial features.
 9. What is your eye color? Dark Brown.
10. Scary movie or happy endings? Scary movies are usually more intriguing.
11. Favorite smells? Pink chiffon, a good smelling man, and pumpkin spice
12. Summer or winter? Summer, summer, summer.
13. Computer or television?  A little of both. I like the communal aspect of a TV.
14. What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home? Nigeria/Spain..whichever’s further…both were a dream
15. Do you have any special talents? I’m good at accents/impersonations & drawing. Does afro-twerking count?
16. Where were you born? Los Angeles, CA
17. What are your hobbies? Art, dance, competitive sports, & blog/tube world.
18. Do you have any pets? What is pet?  ß What my parents told me as a child.
19. Favorite movie? Friday Night Lights and Life is Beautiful
20. Do you have any siblings? 3 sisters, 2 brothers. I’m numero CINCO.
21. What do you want to be when you grow up? Car color? Contenta. Career-wise: I’d like to be an SLP working abroad or in the US and doing research.  A mentor.
Oh, and my car is the color of champagne..Her name’s Madeline.
I tag anyone who hasn’t done this and would like to do it :)
I've moved to New York and I'm really pleased with where I am. I'll be sharing a bit more in the coming days.
Hasta Pronto


  1. It was nice learning more about you!! And happy stay in NY!

    1. thank you <3..I miss your posts..& come visit in NY!
