Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Wake Up Flawless: Skincare

Per request, I wanted to share my skincare routine. 
It's super simple: cleanse, protect, moisturize, & seal. 

To cleanse I use makeup wipes/a bar and protect with an SPF spray. For moisture, I use DayWear and then seal with shea butter in dry areas like lips. 
(Water intake/nutrition and sleep also affect the look of your skin. So drink that water son!)
The only con to the Neutrogena Bar(and others like black soap) is that it has the tendancy to melt/dissentegrate when it's kept in the shower. To avoid this, I do as follows:
I love the facial cleansing bars because they're inexpensive and last for almost ever.

Everyday face: 
I haven't experienced any negative reactions to the water in NY and my face is still a combination of oily/dry. I plan to stick with this routine and may add a honey/sugar scrub for exfoliation.
Have a swell one &
& farewell Sweet September.
Neutrogena Facial Cleansing Bar- Target (here)
Veckia 30spf Sunscreen- Corte Ingles, Madrid
Estee Lauder DayWear- Nordstrom from Mom
Shea Butter- Uncle/Brooklyn
Makeup Remover Wipes- TJ Maxx


  1. Beautiful skin! My skin type fluctuates all the damn time. Some months it seems dry, some months I'm dripping with oil. I keep my regimen extra simple like you. I wash with black soap, exfoliate with the St. Ives apricot scrub 2x a week and then I use castor oil. Yes - castor oil. It has done wonders for my skin and hair. The only thing is that I have really really really mild acne. I drink a lot of water exercise very regularly and eat a healthy diet so I don't know what it is... hmmm I'm not too worried though but any ideas you have are deff welcome!

    Thy Bliss Calls

    1. Thank you..I know it's common for skin to adapt to the environment or the seasons, so that might be the source of fluctuation.
      I also get normal spots/acne here and there. Papaya fruit and masks are really great for a smooth complexion & sometimes all it takes is just a wash of makeup brushes to resolve any probs. You have nothing to worry about.
      Btw, I'm def going to try castor oil
