Monday, February 10, 2014


These photos were shot in Long Beach after church. I paired a double-slit maxi with combat boots and added a cool-toned ankara headwrap to complete the look.
 The curls are a result of a bantu knot out. This is a go-to style when I don't feel like doing my hair.

1) Add water to hair, smooth with fingers, then set three medium/large bantus in the front.  
2) Take down in the morning and separate curls.
3) Secure the rest of the hair with a band and cover with a turban, beanie, or scarf.
4) Look cute & like you tried even though you know what kind of party is happening underneath that scarf.
 I wore this dress in 2012 when I graduated and it brings back such good memories. I cannot wait to see what God has planned for me(career, master's programs, growth as a person, and always the unexpected/unplanned).
I'll be posting every other day this week.
Hasta Pronto.

Ankara Head Wrap- Downtown LA
Double-Slit Maxi Dress- San Diego (similar)
Trusty Combat Boots- Target

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