Sunday, February 16, 2014

Styling Havana Twists

Allow me to introduce my young burgundy obsessions. I have been wanting these for what seems like forever. I'm really bad at braids, so I learned the havana twisting method from Tasha's tutorial on Youtube. I have 24 twists in total. Here are four styles that I'll be playing around with.

1) Bun-Bun

2) Jazmine

3) Standard

4) Moesha
I've always loved burgundy colored hair and the way it complements brown skin.

 Random Life Bit: I was suspended on the first day of my sophomore year in HS for having an 'unnatural' burgundy mohawk braid style.
 I hope you are having a blessed Sunday. 

Stay tuned for style posts &

Twists- Dios Marley Brand in Color 99J
Maintenance: I use the Roots Naturelle Braid Sheen/Leave-In Conditioner (here) every night and wrap with a satin scarf. I love this style and how convenient and transformable it is. All the rage!


  1. All the styles are lovely but I think the "Moesha" is my favorite. Nice post..

  2. Am wearing a senegalese twist ryt now and am going 2 style d moesha 2day. I like it

    1. gracias..I'm glad you like it! care-free & cool
