Friday, January 31, 2014

Adventure Time

It's been interesting adjusting to the concrete, paved parkways, and perfectly aligned trees of southern California.
I long for the haphazardness of nature. It's a mess and it's complicated and it's perfect all the same.
A couple of weeks back I made my way over to the El Dorado Nature Center with my brother and he took these shots.
 What I took from that visit was that mistakes are good. I have to repeat that to myself until it sinks in and apply it to my evaluation of people and their intentions. 

It's totally okay to just let the paintbrush slip and slide all over your canvas.
Here's a short clip from the escapade.

Lately, my life has been grad apps, hair neglect, and thank you cards, so I'm glad to be back!

Hasta Pronto.

Floral Lace Top, Levis, Denim Overcoat: Sav-Mor Thrift
Active Socks- Gift from Ezz (here)
Low-Top Canvas Shoes- Vans
