Tuesday, December 16, 2014

November Recap

The November holiday brought my first trip to Boston & Maryland, snow, a visit to the Walmart of thrift stores, and a deer sighting. I travelled with one of my friends and was surrounded by nature, love, and plenty of laughter. 
I wore an H&M floral dress over lace and pulled a rod set up into a loose ponytail for a relaxed yet festive look.
 Held the cutest little babe. 
 Participated in a birthday surprise.
 Finally, the best part of November was meeting my Jamaican bae sorrel:
November Jams
Partynextdoor & Rich Gang everything

I'm excited to style the pieces I nabbed from the thrift store and hope that you're having an awesome day/night.
Hasta Pronto!
Floral Fitted Dress- H&M (Similar style)
Lace Top- Woodland Thrift