Sunday, May 1, 2016


If you know me, you know that my favorite place in the whole-wide world is the beach. Combine the smell of burning wood, music, food, and good people and I am sold.
I decided to host a bonfire of my own at Huntington Beach before traveling back to New York for school. It was super memorable because lots of loved ones showed up! My Mom came, and she never usually goes to the beach no matter how hard we try to drag her away from 'Dancing with the Stars'. 
I'm not going to lie, I was a little stressed out and overthinking everything because I wanted everyone to have a good time. I purchased too much of everything (except firewood! lol).
All in all, I'd love to do it all over again, but next time, it would be special if a significant other planned it for me. To me, bonfires are what summer chillin' and easy California living are all about. 
Rose One Piece Swimsuit- Target (similar)
Hair- Old faithful: conditioner and flat twist out look for volume.