Wednesday, July 2, 2014


I'm so glad that summer break is here. For me, that means more bike riding and exploring Los Angeles. It also permits frequent, peaceful beach bumming. Here's what I wore on a trip with my fam a couple of weeks back.
I love the way this cropped top changes it's form and molds to each individuals body shape. 
I decided to go with comfortable flatforms and crew socks for a chill vibe. 
My hair is an old cocoon curl set split down the middle and loosely secured with hairbands. Just like my outfit, it was very simple & carefree.
I know I'm going to miss the shine of sun on my skin and the sway of palms.
I have been preparing to move to NY, filming videos, and the movie Frozen has basically changed my life. 

Hasta Pronto

Black Strap Flatforms- Forever 21(mejor/better)
Infamous Grey Speckled Crop- H&M (similar)
Velvet Slit Skirt & Brown Waist Belt- Woodland Thrift
Hilfiger Socks- TJ Maxx



  1. It seems like you had a great day! I love the beach!
    Cool outfit too, the crop top is beautiful!

  2. Your photos always come out to lovely and vibrant. I love the buns and your crop top! xx

  3. Replies
    1. thank you..shout out to h2o & my detangling brush

  4. You hair is adorable! Love the look
