Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I was thinking about this hairstyle and how the cocoon flourishes into a bodacious, lively curl and the thought of it made me think about parallel happenings in my life.
 I'm starting on a new journey(grad school at Columbia) and I'm ready to blossom. Final touches are going on in this cocoon.
My body sometimes acts quite strange and thinks I'm not healthy so it flames up in spots. One day the knees, the next spine and fingers, on a Thursday, just the wrist. This confusion makes me walk funny and leaves a rash on my cheeks and temples. A cross between rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Big, weird words.
 I believe that as my wings spread and God carries me, all pain will be gone and my body will no longer be tethered to an auto-immune disease. I believe it on the best & worst days.

How have you learned how to fly?

 Hair- This is a cocoon curl set that I did a couple of days before my previous post. I kept 10 cocoons in for two days before unraveling and fluffing into a style. Read my hair story.
Hasta Pronto.


  1. Wow,your hair looks beautiful. I've never heard of that style before,I might try it out when my hair is a longer.

  2. Nice hair

  3. your positive outlook to ur health is so inspiring. keep it up! its only temporary. And THAT HAIR.... *drooling as always*

  4. I have the samme issues as you (between rheumatoid arthritis and lupus) but still don't exctly what this is! Only faith can help us keeping up with it. I hope we'll be done very soon with it. Keep in touch

    xo. TDVR

    1. Thanks for commenting..uplifting & I know you'll vogue right through it too ;]
