Wednesday, March 8, 2017


I have a very young face. This will be and has been beneficial to me, though at times I'd like to have a more grown and sexy look.
 In order to achieve an aged, fine wine look, I focus on the areas of my face that are most youthful: my cheeks and eyes. With my LA Colors Concealer in Mahogony, I carve out cheek bones and then I play with MAC shadows on my eyes in golden colors to bring out sophistication. 
 Eyebrows are ALWAYS important, so I create a shape that frames my face. I've noticed that once I've done all of this, added foundation, a bit of highlighter, and a lippie, I look much more like my age. The lip color is especially important in elevating my look.
If you're ever looking to elevate your look, try analyzing your face and really sus out what in particular leads people to think you're in your teens. Hairstyle? Cheeks? Lips? A stroke of makeup artistry can turn it all around.

Regardless of how you look, you should love your features because they are apart of your ancestry and most importantly they are a reflection of creation (and in that case your facial qualities are perfect). 

Eyes- Wet n Wild Kohl Liner in Dark Brown, MAC Gold Shade, Estee Lauder Mascara in Sumptuous
Lips- Wet n Wild Mauve Outta Here, Elf Sunlit Bronze
Contour/Highlight - LA Colors Concealer in Mahogany and Fawn

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