Wednesday, March 1, 2017


As a working professional with natural hair, I gravitate towards styles that are super quick and low-maintenance yet still appear to have taken some time and effort. One of my favorites is the curly bun- It’s great for little curly fros that can’t quite make it into ponytails. All you need is 5 minutes, a small scarf, gel/pomade of your choosing, and a toothbrush.
 1. Start with fresh-out-the-bonnet bed head hair. Then pick out your gel/pomade and a scarf.
 2. Tie the scarf once in the front, pull it back and adjust, then secure the scarf in the back of your head (concealing any extra scarf pieces by tucking them underneath).
 3. The third and final step involves brushing down the extra hairs in the front using a toothbrush and gel/pomade. You will want to make swooping motions with the toothbrush and you can twirl your sideburns. If necessary, set and cover your edges with a scarf while you hop in the car.
 4. You're done! In 5 minutes or less you look like one of the professionals who uses a planner and comes to work with a water thermos. 
 I love this look because it can last around 2 weeks (& that's perfect because I don't want to think about my hair in the mornings)! 
To achieve the initial look, I wash my hair, put in random finger curls (as you can see here in my easy routine), then sleep in a bonnet. 

Let me know if you have questions or would like to see more.
Hair Cut in Oct. 2016
Wash: Trader Joes Tea Tree Tingle or Castille Soap
Condition: Giovanni's Smooth as Silk
Leave-In: Aloe Vera Juice, Giovanni's Direct Leave-In, Castor Oil
Occasional Use: Cantu Coconut Curling Creme 

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