Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I've had this dress for a few years and it's totally me. Classic design with touches of intricacies.

I swirled my hair into some buns, added neutral makeup and faint mauve lip, then put on black beaded sandals. I wore this to church and added a jacket later in the day as it got cooler.
I've had to calm myself these days(stop searching for more) and let myself live and appreciate sunshine and my youth. This dress takes me back to my grade school self who wanted nothing more than to run through green meadows and act a little country.

Write it down make it happen
Make each day count
Fulfill promises
Little by little is better than nothing.

Taupe Sun Dress- The Foreign Exchange
Black Sandals- Burlington Coat Factory
Natural Hair: Tumblr inspired and very convenient. I wash, condition, apply leave-in, then quickly bun detangled portions. Love this because I can just put it into one bun for work throughout the week. Only downside, people think I'm 15 (lol).