Sunday, August 4, 2013

Write it down, make it happen

I believe that writing things down takes away fear. It's a good release and great practice to have the act of writing help you spring those ideas into life forms. 
So, here I go.

--Companionship/Love- The pursuit of like-minded individuals. Opening my heart just a tad. 
  --Overall Wellness- I'll start with a bike ride everyday and light weight training.
--Wafri Work/Youtube- More videos doing things I enjoy.
 --New York- Planning my trip & making reliable connections.
--Cocoon Curls- More appreciation for all of this goodness on my head.
--Volunteering-Any place will do, as long as I'm serving others.
--Santorini(or somewhere near the Mediterranean)
--Place of my own/House near the water
--More Art: more oil paintings & drawings

That's it for now. All that's left to do is let go and pray about it. I know God will lead my path(swirling and swaying) and it will come together in his name.

Here are photos from my iphone (late July). Met an amazing traveler named Charly & spent time in Newport, CA.