Friday, August 23, 2013

Theme Park Fit

Summer amusement park days were always the best. My siblings and I would stay up late in anticipation and wake up early to meet the foreign enthusiasts at the gates of Disneyland, Universal Studios, or Knott's Berry Farm. My Mom and Dad had fun-day attire almost always consisting of the following: loose tee, ill-fitting baseball cap, roller-set & high-waist jean shorts(for mom), canon camera & big glasses(for dad), mid-calf white socks, a fanny pack, durable athletic shoes, and high-pitched Nigerian laughter perfect for the slowest roller coasters & water tube rides. I reminisced upon these days and those classic outfits as I chose pieces for a trip to Six Flags with my hermano.
 I paired mom shorts with a body suit and put my natural hair into a bun to avoid any fuss during the thrills. My favorites at Six Flags were X2, Drop of Doom + Goliath.
 We had so much fun at the theme park and my hair and outfit held up throughout. I look forward to taking my cousins or kids to theme parks and having them look at photos in the future, laughing at their parents' quirks and creating outfit renditions of their own.

I hope you're enjoying the summer-meets-fall weather.
Hasta Pronto!

Polka Dot Body Suit, High Waist Jean Shorts- Thrifted
Hilfiger Socks & Backpack- TJ Maxx 
Tennis Shoes- Vans


  1. can't go wrong with high waisted anything love your hair fellow natural ? x

  2. Comfy outfit for a theme park!Love your hair btw!

  3. Such a great outfit! I love how effortless it is. Definitely my inspiration for the next time I'm at an amusement park. :)
    Remotely Fashion
