Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Africa is the Future

"Africa has so much potential. There's a lot of talent coming out of Africa from all of the different countries. There are vast amounts of people there that are overlooked or slept on. I feel that Africa as a whole is the future." - O. Egeonuigwe, Continent Creative
From technology to fashion, art, and entertainment, the continent of Africa is one of promise. I spoke with one of the CEOs at Continent Creative above and was moved to style this top. I paired the graphic tank with a skater skirt and nude heels for a simple silhouette.
This tank inspires me and reminds me that Africa is worthy. The continent is marred by AIDS and poverty, but just like anything that is pushed to the side, it rises and grows with beauty like no other.
Tanks and tees will be available soon on Continent Creative. 

Navy Skater Skirt- Forever 21
White Future Tank- Continent Creative
Nude Heeled Sandal- Reflection
Hair- Brazilian Curly Wig from Onyinyechi
Jewelry- Umuahia & Beauty Supply