Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Cool Grey

This is my last post from my trip home to Los Angeles. I was getting ready to depart and wore this ensemble to hang with my brother and shop.
I paired cool grey sweats with a white body suit and grey pullover for a chill look. In the future, I'll jazz up the sweats with heels or sneakers.
I tried something different with my lips and used MACs Ruby Woo over NYX lipliner in purple. I'm always weird about dark lips because they never look right on me. I realized the secret for my small lips is to add a bright shade(Dollhouse Pink by Wet n Wild) in the center of my lips and everything is A1 after that!

Have any tips for wearing a dark lip? Leave em down below ;]
Adioss &
White Body Suit, Cool Grey Sweats, Grey Pullover- Sav-Mor Thrift
Sandalias- Target
Hair- Slowly recovering from my blowout in September. The fullness and curls are coming back.


  1. Lovely pictures and very nice shoes!!
    The place where you took the pictures just looks like heaven *o* ♥

    Best wishes GildaJolie

  2. You're beautiful. X

    Follow me on GFC, I always follow back !
