Monday, March 31, 2014

Hair & Fit of the Weekend

   Happy Monday
 I paired my Marlin's jersey with peach shorts and converse for a casually sporty look. 
My hair is back and it has surprised me by behaving and looking nice. That 5 week twist break was well worth it.

To achieve this style-
1] Set and flat-twist hair with Leave-In (I use aloe vera juice, castor oil, and Giovanni's Direct Leave-In)
2] Bobby pin sections(4) across the length of your head to reduce shrinkage, then cover for 1/2 days (more defined curl)
3] Release sections and create 2 larger flat-twists
4] Style hair the next day and use hands to create volume
5] Be fabulous
Added a leather jacket to keep out the wind.

 -Today is my parent's 30th Anniversary. Love is forever.
-I'll be in New York soon & I'm really geeked/nervous/excited.

One thing I've learned & I'm working on:
When people follow you, don't be annoyed by their replication. Be an example that you'll admire.

The Kendrick-> Marlin's Baseball Jersey- Sav-Mor Thrift
Blue Converse- Shoe City
Peach Shorts- Affordable Treasures
Gold Chain & Leather Cross Body- Woodland Thrift

Photos by: Onyinyechi


  1. Big congrats to your parents.
    I love this look.

  2. Longest time ever. hope you're good?! At least you look great ;)

    xoxo Gozika
