Monday, September 2, 2013

DIY Floral Crown & NYFW Event

A few days back I discovered that Jenn Im, a fellow UC Davis alumna and current curator of clothesencounters, was hosting an Instagram contest to attend an event during New York Fashion Week and I had to enter! I went for something a little striking and soft.

The floral crown I'm wearing is a super simple DIY. Until I learn how to sew, I'll always prefer diy's that require 1 or 2 things. Here's how I made mine:

What you'll need:
2 Hawaiian Leis
Bobby Pins

I bought my leis in a set of 3 at the Dollar Tree and chose white to avoid exposure of the pieces that connect the individual flowers.

To make floral crown:
Twist the two leis together and bobby pin each side down into your hair. This works best with textured hair. If your hair is sleek, you'll need to attach an elastic band with hot glue or use more bobby pins. Hope you try it!

My entry was chosen, and I'm excited to attend and love that I'll be able to meet so many people with different fashion perspectives. It's still hitting me that my birthday and New York are in a few days. (I still have so much more planning to do!) 

DIY Floral Crown- Dollar Tree
Blue Top, Pleated Skirt, & Leather Fanny Pack- Thrifted
Combat Boots- Target
Socks- 33 cent tubes at Walmart


  1. Love that skirt girl.And thanks for dropping by my blog.

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  4. Hey love, looking good as always! make sure u say hello when you get to NY!! Love Diana :)

    1. Thanks Diana! & of course we can meet & chat while I avoid getting lost & explore NY..I'll be there 6-13 ..send your #..excited
